What Is LVT Flooring?

LVT Flooring

Luxury vinyl tile (LVT) is a popular type of flooring with many benefits to using them. But, what are they?

LTVs are made up of multiple layers of materials to create a strong and durable base for any room. These tiles can be made in many patterns and designs, and some can even mimic the look of hardwood floors.

Are Luxury Vinyl Tiles Any Good?

The materials used to make this flooring make it a hardwearing and durable choice. Most are waterproof too, as long as they are installed correctly and locked in tightly together. This makes them ideal for use in rooms like the kitchen and bathrooms. The qualities of these tiles make them ideal for any room in the home as there’s a wide range of designs to choose from that will be suitable for many spaces.

How Long Does LVT Flooring Last?

The answer to this depends on the amount of wear and tear it is subject to from foot traffic. However, so long as it is professionally installed and well maintained throughout its life, these tiles can last for over 20 years. Indeed, they are a popular choice because of how durable they are.

LVT Flooring

Do LVTs Flooring Scratch Easily?

These tiles are highly resistant to scratches and scuffs, keeping them looking great for a long time. It exhibits a protective layer at the top that makes it super strong and durable for the home.

If there was a problem, it’s very simple to just replace individual tiles with spares.

LVT Flooring

How Do You Maintain LVT?

Luxury vinyl tile flooring is very easy to maintain. All it takes is regular sweeping and damp mopping to keep it looking great. We recommend putting furniture protectors on the legs of tables and chairs if they’re frequently moved, just to ensure that the floors are protected.

What Designs Are Available?

This type of flooring is available in many designs. Whether you’re looking for a bold pattern, or want a more subtle look, you will be able to find the right one for your home. These can mimic the look of other floors like hardwood, with all the benefits that come with LVT. Depending on the size of the tiles, they can even be laid in patterns such as herringbone.

Contact Us Today For Quality Flooring

At BDL, we offer the installation of many types of flooring, including LVT, carpets, wooden, and laminate. Our friendly team can help advise which is best for your project. Each of our installations is done to a high standard and completed at a competitive price.

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To find out more about our painting & maintenance contractors in Birmingham, please contact us

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