uPVC Windows & Doors Birmingham

We supply and install quality uPVC windows and doors in Birmingham and throughout the West Midlands. BDL’s team are experts in uPVC installations and are approved by FENSA. Our installers are known for their excellent service and high quality workmanship.

If you require a new porch, conservatory Velux windows, sliding patio doors or simple bay windows, make us your first choice. Whatever uPVC window or door you have in mind, we can advise you on what will best suit your needs, taste, and budget.

Get in touch with us today to discuss your requirements for new uPVC windows and doors in Birmingham.

uPVC Windows

New uPVC windows make a surprisingly big difference to the look and feel of your property. From double-glazed box windows to sash, tilt and turn, to bay windows, we can supply and install whatever best suits your needs and budget.

There are many benefits to having new uPVC windows fitted. It isn’t just going to improve the appearance of your property, it will also welcome a number of benefits into your home. The right windows will increase your property’s energy efficiency, protecting your home from the bitter cold in winter and blocking out excess heat in summer. The dual-layered construction of double glazing increases the security of your home and reduces noise pollution from outside.

Call our dedicated team today for exceptional uPVC window installation services in Birmingham and the surrounding areas.

uPVC Doors

If you fancy a new look for your property, uPVC doors will do the trick. You can choose from a variety of designs, styles and colours to complement your property. uPVC is a versatile material that can be formed into many shapes and colours. Therefore, you’ll be sure to find a style that suits your exact needs.

All of our doors are fitted with internal glazing for maximum heat retention. They are 70mm and fully welded to maximise strength and durability. For your peace of mind, the locks on the doors we install always undertake rigorous security testing to prevent break-ins.

With several colours and designs to choose from, we can cover every aspect of your needs. Contact us for further information or a free estimate for a new uPVC door.

Frequently Asked Questions About Our uPVC Windows & Doors

At BDL Ltd, we install, supply and replace uPVC windows and doors in Birmingham. We can replace your uPVC windows and doors if you wish to have a new design, colour or if a repair is needed.

As well as helping you save on your energy bills, double glazing will add value to your home. Buyers will be more likely to buy a home or building with newer windows & doors, as they will not need replacing by the new owner.  Not to mention the numerous environmental and cost saving benefits they have. 

There is no specific time frame for how long uPVC windows & doors will last. If you ensure that they receive regular maintenance and care, double glazed windows & doors should last for up to 35 years! 

Contact Us For uPVC Windows and Doors In Birmingham

If you are searching for a team who can install quality uPVC windows and doors in Birmingham, get in touch with BDL Ltd today.

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